My Kali Linux After Setup

First thing first make sure you have installed Kali Linux correctly.
I have installed my Kali Linux on Vmware, but there is many video and tutorials to install Kali Linux out there.

First step is to install vmware tool on Kali Linux.

1. Click VM on taskbar at the topand then click Install Vmware Tool.
2. Then vmware tool box will open up on screen.
3. Copy the file VMwareTools-9.6.0-1294478.tar.gz on to desktop.4. Open terminal and use these commands and follow my commend I used;

root@Homeland:~# cd Desktop
root@Homeland:~/Desktop# tar -xf /root/Desktop/VMwareTools-9.6.0-1294478.tar.gz 
root@Homeland:~/Desktop# ls
VMwareTools-9.6.0-1294478.tar.gz  vmware-tools-distrib
root@Homeland:~/Desktop# cd vmware-tools-distrib
root@Homeland:~/Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib# ls
bin  doc  etc  FILES  INSTALL  installer  lib
root@Homeland:~/Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib# perl

5. After the last command just follow the start of instalment by using enter key.

Next we need to sort out sound problem on Kali Linux.

1. Open up Start-up Application then add a new application on the tab on the right hand side.
2. Add the following.
Name: Pulseaudio
Command: /usr/bin/pulseaudio
Comment: start audio.
3. Then click okay.
4. Then Reboot System.

Next we need to update Kali Linux
1. Type the following commands in the terminal.
- Type: apt-get update
- Then type: apt-get upgrade (leave it do it thing and install)
2.Then Reboot System.

Next step is to fix "Device not managed" error
1. Open on Computer, File System, etc, Network then open interfaces. 
2. Make sure the bottom 4 lines look like this:
# The primary network interface
#allow-hotplug eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth0
3. Save the file and reboot system.

Now update to the latest kali linux release
Here is the link below to find out what the latest release out.

Now download KAAISv3

KAAIS is written in BASH Language, which makes it usable on almost any Linux platform, however, it was designed to work under Kali Linux only, and we do not offer support for any other distro or platform.
You can use KAAIS to install many applications (text image and sound editors, browsers, ftp applications, and more..), to update some applications that come with Kali by default (WPScan, JoomScan, and more..), to update your ‘sources.list’ to a custom one made by our team (this will also create a backup of your existing sources), and much more..
Here is the links for KAAISv3

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